Apportionments Paid
Centenary UMC is proud to be able to say that we have paid our apportionments IN FULL for 10 of the last 14 years. While we were unable to do so in 2013, we WERE able to repay ALL of the internal loans that we had taken in 2012 and 2013. We look forward to again paying in full in 2014!
What are Apportionments?From our earliest days, the people known as United Methodists have understood our life together as connectional. Whether parts of an urban congregation, a weekly gathering at a rural crossroads, or making a new church start become a reality, United Methodists are all interconnected. The gospel comes alive in the ministries in our individual settings, but we also know that we are called to witness in a larger, interconnected world.
That shared understanding empowers us to financially support outreach that no single congregation could do on its own. The connection allows us to effectively share programs that really work in our local area throughout the country and globally so that we can enhance the power of our witness everywhere. Our very existence as United Methodists engages us at the local, annual conference and worldwide level in ministries made possible by our shared commitments. For that reason, local congregations support annual conference budgets, and the annual conferences support the general church. The 2008 General Conference affirmed that the Four Areas of Focus for this quadrennium would be:
Each day, local churches, conferences, individuals, and Church agencies are working to impact the world in one of these four--and many other--areas. Connectional Giving is a major embodiment of Christian witness and a significant part of my faith journey. We give because Jesus taught giving as a basic aspect of discipleship. As a United Methodist, our heritage embodied in Wesley’s teachings further underscores the reasons we should give. Giving is crucial to our spiritual growth. Giving out of gratitude helps each of us individually and collectively grow closer to God. At every level of our church, be it local, annual conference or general, we work together to understand each other and bring resolution to those things we don’t agree about. Shared ministries continue through your thoughtful and sacrificial giving, even during those times when we experience disharmony. It is part of what it means to be United Methodist. If giving to God is part of the spiritual journey, consider how stopping will affect the ministries served by your giving. --from "The Meaning of the Apportionment Dollar" letter by A. Moses Rathan Kumar, General Secretary and Treasurer, The General Council on Finance and Administration |
What does Connectional Giving (through Apportionments) make possible?Circuit and Local Congregational Development
Local Congregation Direct Support
Clergy and Lay Leadership
Connectional Ministries
Conference Support Ministries
--from Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church Live, Give, Love...Beyond All Expectation |